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The Picnic Table

It all began on a park bench.

A few students wanted to go over their chess games and learn from them. Why sure, I'd be happy to. Hmm, when can I fit it into my busy family and work schedule? Tell you what, meet me at the Ferndale City Hall picnic table at lunch, and over sandwiches we'll learn from your games.

The park bench is now gone, and in its place is a new Ferndale library! We'll miss our outdoor meetings in the hot sun and wet rain, but the library definitely has its advantages.

The first summer park bench lessons were around eighteen years ago, and the number of students kept growing. Before last year, the most recent SICM was in 2010, and the students from that class, having earned their fair share of NWL and State chess titles, are now about ready to graduate from high school if they haven't already. Then last summer SICM was revived, with thirty students participating.

Coach Pic

About Coach
Randy Kaech is married to Deanna and has two boys who attend Ferndale schools. He has coached the Ferndale High School chess team for eighteen years, and has earned the Expert rating (>2000) from the U.S. Chess Federation. His favorite chess teachers are Heisman, Pandolfini, Ashley, Root and Neff. His favorite chessplaying celebrities are Will Smith, Chuck Norris, Nick Cage, Bono and C.S. Lewis.


I may not be able to make it to some lunch lessons or a Grand Prix tourney due to vacation plans. Can I still join SICM?
A few is fine. Do tell Coach Kaech in advance which weeks you will be missing. If you're gone for over three weeks, you may want to wait.

I'm not any good at chess. Is SICM for me?
Yes it is. Come join the fun. In fact, you don't even know how to play chess. But you'll need to learn how before your first lunch lesson, and you can do so right here.

I've played in lots of tournaments, and I'm good. Is SICM for me?
Yes it is. Together with Coach you will develop your own individualized training plan. The lunchtime groups are divided into players of similar skill level, as are the tournaments.

I'm not in middle school yet. Can I join SICM?
If you will be entering 6th grade in the Fall, you may join SICM.

I don't have Internet. Can I join SICM?
SICM assumes internet access, for both communication and training. However, we're happy to make accommodations for students who really want to learn.

Who sponsors SICM?
SICM is directed by Randy Kaech, with assistance from the Ferndale High School Chess Club and the Ferndale Public Library.

After summer, will there be local tournaments I can play in?
Oh yes. During the next school year, the Whatcom County Middle School Chess League will return, around five Saturday tournaments will happen in Whatcom County, and Thursday evening 'Battle Royales' will kick in. Not to mention the school chess clubs to practice and play in. Oh, and the NW High School League. Plus, don't forget the State Championships.

Also, unusually, the Washington State Mini-Teams Championships will be held in our area. Meridian High School, December 3, 2016, to be precise. Teams of three players from the same middle school or high school compete, in a three-on-three team format. Which is downright fun.

For further info, email

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