Whatcom Middle Schools Chess League - Rules
The NWL rules are our model. (NWL rules here.)
The following sections of the WHSCA Northwest Chess League rules shall also apply (when possible) to the Whatcom Middle Schools Chess League (WMSL): 1.Eligibility 3.Equipment 7.Notation 8.Touch Move 9.Illegal Moves 10.Scoring 11.Captains 12.Decorum & Etiquette 13.Offering A Draw 20.Rules Not Covered.
Teams shall consist of players from 6th-8th grades who attend the same middle school, junior high or private school that encompasses 6th-8th grades. Home schoolers may join a team, based on WHSCA and NWL eligibility rules. Ask the WCMS League Director for clarifications as needed. Although hosted by schools in Whatcom County, middle schools from Skagit, Island and San Juan counties are also welcome to participate.
The Whatcom County MS League consists of all Saturday tournaments in a school year that meet the following criteria:
- at least five rounds
- WHSCA rated
- takes place in Whatcom County
- open to all students in Whatcom County
- has a section that includes all 6th-8th graders
- an individual tournament, not a team tournament
- takes place after Sept. 30 and before Elem. State in April
- was announced more than two weeks in advance
The WC MS League Champion is determined by points earned in the forementioned tournaments, using the following formula:
1st Place MS Team: 5 points
2nd Place MS Team: 4 points
3rd Place MS Team: 3 points
4th Place MS Team: 2 points
5th Place MS Team: 1 point
Determination of 1st-5th place at each WC MS League tournament will be based on the top four scores from a school. Should there be a tie, the 5th best score from a school will act as the tiebreaker. If still tied, the 6th best score is factored in also, etc. If still tied, the tied teams will each get the higher place points, minus 1/2.
If at the final WC MS League tournament two schools are tied for first, then the two teams shall meet to play a WC MS Championship Match. The match will be between four players from each school in NWL board order. The two advisors and the league director shall agree upon a time, place, time control, number of games and tiebreak methods A.S.A.P. after the final tournament.
WC MS League trophies shall be awarded at the final tournament of the season (if no tie).